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Quick Simple Homemade Breads

Have you ever tasted a slice of fresh bread still warm from the oven? If so you know, I mean you know how good that is. So good its worth the time to make your own, especially if it doesn't take that much time. Not much time! Really, homemade bread! Yes the breads I make regualrly are quick and full of great taste. My regular quick sandwich bread is a recipe I tweeked from a quick breadstick recipe I found online years ago.

This recipe does make excellent breadsticks we use them frequently. It however also makes excellent sandwich bread. I use instant yeast, 1/3c cane sugar and butter instead of oil. I also double the recipe for bread. I roll out the bread dough into a rectangle. I then cut in half and roll up from the short ends pinching ends together and tucking ends under. I place the dough into greased loaf pans and bake. Other than that I follow the recipe only one rise. So quick and great. I've also used this recipe to make cinnamon rolls "mmmm". I added and egg to it and when rolled out spread butter onto the dough and shake with cinnamon and sugar. You could add nuts or berries at this point and roll up into a log. Use some dental floss to slice through the log to create rolls. Place in a buttered dish to bake. I create a simple cream cheese icing, blending cream cheese, powdered sugar and a little milk. Ice the rolls when mostly cooled.

Breakfast around here is an important meal. This family is hungry at breakfast time. We love this excellent recipe for english muffin bread I found from a blog I follow Little house Living.

If you love a good english muffin but don't have the time to make individuals for everyone. This is your recipe. Please if you haven't tried making bread give it a go! Its not so hard and so worth it.

We try to eat as much homemade, home grown foods as we can and as little processed junk as possible. Knowing where and how our food was raised or grown is important and teaches our children to appreciate all the wonderfull resources God provided us. All we have to do is implement his plan and take care of those resources by being good hardworking stewards.

I hope you enjoy some tasty bread!

God bless

Leigh Ann Martin

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